the Wilson family at-home lifestyle session in Ocean City | New Jersey family photographers
If this family looks familiar, it’s totally because they are. This is Allie, the same Allie of Allie Wilson Photography, who was the badass photographer behind my husband and I’s incredible forrest photos last year (and beach photos this year). We met through the Unraveled Academy a while back and have become good friends, which is a beautiful thing. This is the second year of us trading family sessions and she really wanted to do hers at home, so we decided to make a weekend of it since we live a couple hours apart. The plan was perfect: we’d have her session at sunset on Saturday night and then do our session at sunrise on Sunday morning. Well, God had a different plan. No more than an hour before sunset on Saturday the sky turned all kinds of gray- pretty close to how I imagine the apocalypse will look- and an intense thunderstorm came rolling through. Not super flattering light for an in home family session, but like my Mom always says, plan B works for me! So we spent Saturday night drinking, eating pizza, and letting the dogs and children play while the adults discussed all the random things like travel, education, video games, buying vs. renting, and John Mulaney. A couple hours later, we all woke up and begun our sessions.
The part of the Wilson home that jumps out to me the most is definitely how much love there is. Every single family member has a welcomed, equal presence. From the kids’ heights being marked on the wall to their loving (and genius) chore chart in the kitchen, to their newest art works proudly displayed; from the dogs’ dedicated little eating area in the dining room to their cuddle spots on the couch; from the adorable little mementos between Allie & Mark to the family photos in every room- love is abound. But their love is also so inclusive and extends well beyond each other, taking the greater world into consideration. The entire family is vegan, extremely eco-conscious and devout, loving Christians, which all adds up to an even more peaceful, meaningful and truly kind home. I get that I’m totally bias because I dig them so much, but they’re just the best and we had an absolute blast capturing these memories. Love you guys xo